Plugin Tag: admin
Category Checklist Tree
(23 total ratings)Preserves the category hierarchy on the post editing screen
Birds Custom Login
(28 total ratings)Birds Custom Login allows you to easily customize your admin login page according to your needs.
WPS Notice Center
(6 total ratings)WPS Notice Center makes it possible to hide all the instructions and to combine them in a single record to unfold. Take full advantage of your WordPre …
Arile Super
(0 total ratings)Arile Super is a companion plugin for Aasta WordPress theme by ThemeArile.
Admin Taxonomy Filter
(14 total ratings)Filter posts or custom post types in the admin area by custom taxonomies.
Custom Favicon
(17 total ratings)This plugin allows you to add upload custom favicon & Apple touch icon for your website and WordPress Dashboard using built-in media uploader.
Advanced Custom Fields: Typography Field
(5 total ratings)A Typography Add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin.
WooCommerce Filter Orders by Product
(15 total ratings)Simplify order management by filtering WooCommerce orders by any specific product or product category using this plugin
Hide admin notices – Admin Notification Center
(13 total ratings)Keep your dashboard clean by grouping all the WordPress notice and hide them in a notification center.
Featured Galleries
(20 total ratings)Do you like giving posts a Featured Image? Try out a Featured Gallery. It's like a Featured Images … except as many images as you want.
Admin Collapse Subpages
(20 total ratings)Using this plugin one can easily collapse/expand pages with children and grand children.
Customize Login Image
(10 total ratings)This plugin allows you to customize the image and the appearance of the WordPress Login Screen.
LTR RTL Admin content
(13 total ratings)Enable LTR in admin content area. Click the admin bar button to switch between RTL & LTR.
WEN Featured Image
(9 total ratings)Add featured image column in listings. Add/change/remove featured image directly from the listing page
Require Featured Image
(16 total ratings)Requires content you specify to have a featured image set before they can be published.
WP Approve User
(40 total ratings)Adds action links to user table to approve or unapprove user registrations.
Fusion Page Builder
(15 total ratings)Fusion. The forever free, natively powerful, beautifully flexible, and easily expandable page builder for Wordpress.
Expire User Passwords
(5 total ratings)Require certain users to change their passwords on a regular basis.
Better Plugin Compatibility Control
(19 total ratings)Adds version compatibility info to the plugins page to inform the admin at a glance if a plugin is compatible with the current WP version.
Admin Tools
(11 total ratings)Admin Tools Helps you to get better admin for your customers. Manage your menus, plugins, Top Bar, updates and more