Plugin Tag: bootstrap
Bootstrap for Contact Form 7
(26 total ratings)This plugin modifies the output of the popular Contact Form 7 plugin to be styled in compliance with themes using the Bootstrap CSS framework.
Bootstrap Blocks
(27 total ratings)Bootstrap Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress. This plugin adds Bootstrap components and layout options as Gutenberg blocks.
Contact Form Clean and Simple
(195 total ratings)A clean and simple contact form with Bootstrap markup.
B Slider- Gutenberg Slider Block for WP
(9 total ratings)Create stunning images and text sliders effortlessly with B Slider Gutenberg Block. Perfect for any theme, it's ideal for you and your customers!
All Bootstrap Blocks
(27 total ratings)Create fully responsive Bootstrap 5 page layouts. 37 free blocks including containers, rows, columns, modals, accordions, cards, buttons and much more …
Tabs Widget for Page Builder
(19 total ratings)Adds a "Tabs for Page Builder" widget, which can be used in Page Builder by SiteOrigin editor.
Advanced Classic Editor
(8 total ratings)Advanced Classic Editor – Your powerful WordPress editor, Insert many Icons, Insert Table of contents, etc.
Bootstrap Modals
(8 total ratings)This plugin adds Bootstrap Modal functionality to WordPress. All you need to do is add the Modal HTML mark up code.
<i> Toolbar
(0 total ratings)<i> Toolbar is an easy to use Icon picker that integrates in the rich-text block toolbar. Powered by Bootstrap Icons (MIT).
BlockStrap Page Builder – Bootstrap Blocks
(4 total ratings)BlockStrap Page Builder – Bootstrap Blocks combines Bootstrap's power with the block editor's versatility.
Cool Responsive Megamenu
(2 total ratings)Cool Responsive Megamenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable Bootstrap 4 responsive Megamenu WordPress plugin. You can override css files, megamen …
Block Editor Bootstrap Blocks
(8 total ratings)Fully responsive Bootstrap 5 blocks, components and extends for Gutenberg
My Bootstrap Menu
(11 total ratings)My Boostrap Menu is a fully customizable plugin that applies the Bootstrap formatting classes to any Wordpress Navigation Menu.
Tiny Grid
(4 total ratings)This plugin adds buttons to the TinyMCE Editor to use the bootstrap grid system.
Bootstrap Blocks for WP Editor v2
(8 total ratings)The essential WP Editor Plugin for Bootstrap websites. Fully manageable responsive containers, rows and columns. Without coding.