Plugin Tag: language
Transliterate Arabic
(0 total ratings)A simple plugin for the transliteration of Arabic words in posts.
(0 total ratings)WPGoogleLangTransliteration Plugin offers Complete language transliteration support for your wordpress blogs.
No Function Language Widget
(1 total ratings)With this you can bridge the gap between multiple translation plugins. It is a no function language widget with multiple options.
GlotPress Notify
(0 total ratings)notify WordPress users when new GlotPress translations strings are awaiting review
Custom Language Packs
(0 total ratings)Custom Language Packs allows disabling automatic language updates.
Kannada Comment
(3 total ratings)Let your fellow blog readers to write their comments in Kannada language.
Site Language Definition
(0 total ratings)Site Language Definition is a simple plugin for forcing the web browser to know what language your site is in.
InstantTranslate Widget
(0 total ratings)Instant Translate instantly translates text that you specify in to any language supported by Google Translate.
DeMomentSomTres Language
(0 total ratings)DeMomentSomTres is a brand new plugin devoted to automatically commute to user browser language for WPML websites.
Readable Names
(0 total ratings)Asks commenters to write their names in the language that your blog uses.
(1 total ratings)Monk is a lightweight translation plugin to make your content reach the world.
(1 total ratings)Transforms the output of the Multisite Language Switcher to an HTML select
Post Title Furigana
(0 total ratings)Automatically set Japanese Reading title into the custom field.
Accessibility Language
(0 total ratings)Add language-tags via TinyMCE to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
JM Buddy Translate
(1 total ratings)Quick and easy translate BuddyPress and bbPress messages or any selected text.
Multilingual post
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a standard compliant language tag to your post and page.
WP Direction Detector
(0 total ratings)This plugin auto dectects and apply the right direction (RTL or LTR) on post's titles, bodies and comments.
All-in-one WPML Crowdfunding Campaigns
(1 total ratings)Unify WPML translation versions of a crowdfunding campaign so that contributions to each language version count towards the main campaign.
Livewords Flow
(0 total ratings)The Livewords Flow plugin connects a Wordpress installation to Livewords Flow using the WPML plugin.